LOWELL - Miguel Pichi-Israel, age 13, a resident of Lowell died Sunday, July 14, 2019 following a long illness. He was the beloved son of Wagner Donizeti and Marcia Regina (Pichi) Israel.
Miguel was born in Guarulhos, Soa Paulo, Brazil on January 29, 2006. He, along with his family, immigrated to the United States when he was 11 years old and he attended Sunset Heights Elementary School in Nashua.
Despite Miguel's illness he was full of life. He loved to ride his bike, go swimming, play bingo, and play video games, especially Fortnite. He was also a very talented drawer and designed a beautiful tattoo for his sister Amanda.
Miguel was blessed to have so many people in his life that helped him and his family throughout his illness, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. The family would like to thank Tommy and Mick Boldoc and the entire staff of Optline Enterprises; the Make-A-Wish Foundation, especially Donna Parker and Melissa; Fr. Cristiano and Pastor Mike; and the many doctors, nurses, and hospital support staff for the compassion, care, and love that they showed Miguel and his family during his illness. The family will never forget any of you.
In addition to his loving parents, Miguel is survived by his sister, Amanda Pichi-Israel, his maternal grandmother, Maria Do Vale Pichi; his paternal grandmother, Malvina Maria Israel; his dogs and best friends, Jujuba, Lindsay, and Sandy; and many loving family members and friends, both in the United States and in Brazil.
He was also the grandson of the late Amazilio Pichi and Francisco Israel.
ARRANGEMENTS - Relatives and friends are invited to attend Miguel's Life Celebration at the MCKENNA-OUELLETTE FUNERAL HOME, 327 Hildreth Street, Lowell on Thursday from 3:00 until 7:00 PM followed by his Funeral Service at 7:00 PM at the funeral home. Relatives and friends are invited to Miguel's burial in St. Joseph Cemetery, Chelmsford, on Friday morning at 10:00 AM. (There will be no religious services offered at the cemetery) In lieu of flowers donations may be made in Miguel's memory to the Make-A-Wish Foundation, 133 Federal St 2nd Floor, Boston, MA 02110 or to Floating Hospital for Children at Tufts Medical Center, 800 Washington St., Boston MA 02111.
LOWELL. Miguel Pichi-Israel, de 13 anos de idade, residente de Lowell MA, veio a obito no domingo, 14 de Julho de 2019 apos uma longa doenca. Ele era o filho amado de Wagner Donizeti e Marcia Regina (Pichi) Israel.
Miguel nasceu em 29 de janeiro de 2006. Ele era natural de Guarulhos/ SP, Brasil. Miguel, juntamente com sua familia imigraram aos EUA quando ele tinha 11 anos de idade. E, atualmente estudava na escola Sunset Heights elementary em Nashua.
Apesar de sua doenca, Miguel era uma crianca cheia de vida. Ele amava andar de bicicleta, nadar, jogar bingo e video games principalmente FORTNITE. Ele possuia um talento indescritivel para desenhar, e criou uma tatuagem linda pra sua irma Amanda.
Miguel e sua familia foram abencoados em ter muitas pessoas ao seu redor os ajudando fisicamente, emocionalmente e espiritualmente pelo decorrer de sua trajetoria nessa vida. A familia gostaria de agradecer a Tommy e a Mick Boldoc, a todos os funcionarios da Optline Enterprises; a Fundacao make-a-wish, em especial a Donna Parker e a Melissa; ao Padre Cristiano e ao Pastor Mike; aos muitos medicos, enfermeiros e funcionarios do hospital pela compaixao, dedicacao e ao amor que foram demonstrados ao Miguel e sua familia durante sua doenca. A familia jamais esquecera de todos voces.
Miguel deixa seus pais amados, sua irma Amanda Pichi-Israel, avo materna, Maria do Vale Pichi; seus cachorrinhos (seus melhores amiguinhos): Jujuba , Lindsay e Sandy; e muitos parentes e amigos amados, ambas partes residentes nos EUA e no Brasil.
Neto dos avos Amazilio Pichi e Francisco Israel
(IN MEMORIAM).- Parentes e amigos estao convidados a comparecerem "a celebracao da vida de Miguel" (velorio) na casa funeraria Mckenna-Ouellette, 327 Hildreth street, Lowell MA. Na 5a feira das 15:00 as 19:00, seguido do servico funerario apos as 19:00.
Sepultamento sera no cemiterio St Joseph de Chelmsford.
No lugar de flores a familia pede que doacoes sejam feitas em memoria de Miguel a fundacao make-a-wish, 113 federal st. 2nd floor, Boston MA.02110 ou ao Hospital Floating for Children na Tufts Medical Center, 800 Washington st, Boston MA 02111. Para Condolencias e enderecos, acessem a pagina: www.mckennaouellette.com